Continental LID
The Continental Place LID Demonstration Parking Lot project involved retrofitting an existing 1.5 acre asphalt and gravel parking lot owned by the Skagit County Public Works Department into a site that treats storm water runoff utilizing bio-retention cells (rain gardens) and pervious pavement techniques. The majority of the pavement areas included pervious concrete with some permeable pavers used in walkway areas and porous asphalt used in some parking stall. Runoff from impervious (conventional) asphalt areas were directed into the rain gardens. The main purposes of this LID demonstration project were to provide infiltration for all rainwater falling on the site and to eliminate discharge of pollutants into the adjacent Kulshan Creek tributary via treatment within the pervious pavement sections and the rain gardens. The project was funded by the Washington State Department of Ecology FY 2011 Statewide Stormwater Retrofit and LID Grant Program, and by the County.